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Alamance County has offices spread throughout the county, representing the departments that provide services to the citizens. You can find maps to these locations and basic contact information over the following pages.
Please note that the maps provided on the following pages are provided to Alamance County and its citizens by an external source and are approximate. You should contact the department or facility you’d like to visit for more accurate directions.
Resources to learn how Alamance County government functions
Whether you’re here to live, learn, or do business, whether you’re new to the area or just visiting, Alamance County is a great place to be!
We have several services on our website or hosted through other services that are available for you to interact with. These services include:
Our primary switchboard number is 336-228-1312.
If you’d like to contact us via e-mail, telephone, or in person, each of our department pages should have the contact information you need.
If you have technical questions about our website and prefer to use e-mail, please contact our county webmaster at webmaster[at]alamancecountync[dot]gov.
School Buildings are inspected on an annual basis and are regulated in accordance with the Rules Governing the Sanitation of Public: Private: and Religious Schools. The inspection process covers everything from proper maintenance of the school facilities to correctly controlling chemicals used within the school building. Schools are graded on a 100 point scale and are given a number grade; however, no letter grade is posted for the school building.
School Cafeterias are graded on a quarterly basis and are regulated in accordance with the Rules Governing the Sanitation of Foodservice Establishments. The grading scale is on a 100 point scale and a letter grade is assigned and posted. A score of 90 to 100 is awarded an A, a score of 80 to 89.5 is awarded a B and a score of 79 to 79.5 is awarded a C. A score below 70 results in an immediate suspension of the operating permit.
Alamance Burlington Schools Website
Environmental Health Hours of OperationHours of Operation: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM(Except Holidays)
Environmental Health Location209 N. Graham-Hopedale Rd.Burlington, NC 27217Phone: 336-570-6367Fax: 336-570-6362
Contact Us